







MONU abonnement

Abonnementen van MONU abonnement

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Looptijd: 3 nummersPremie: Voordeel: 0%Prijs:  68,55
* Proef- en cadeauabonnementen lopen automatisch af, tenzij anders vermeld in de aanbieding. Alle overige abonnementen gelden tot wederopzegging. Alle aanbiedingen gelden zolang ze op deze pagina vermeld staan. Voor aanbiedingen met een welkomstgeschenk geldt zolang de voorraad strekt. Ziet u een eerdere aanbieding niet meer op deze pagina staan, dan is deze helaas niet meer geldig.

3 nummers

28% korting


6 nummers

34% korting


12 nummers

34% korting


Over dit magazine:

MONU (Magazine on Urbanism) is a unique independent English-language publication that collects critical articles, images, concepts, and urban theories from architects, urbanists and theorists from around the world on a given topic. MONU focuses on the city in a broad sense, including its politics, economy, geography, ecology, its social aspects, as well as its physical structure and architecture. Therefore architecture is one of many fields covered by the magazine – fields which are all brought together under the catch-all term “urbanism”. MONU is edited in the city of Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Continuous publication began in June 2004.

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Over MONU abonnement

Over dit magazine:

MONU (Magazine on Urbanism) is a unique independent English-language publication that collects critical articles, images, concepts, and urban theories from architects, urbanists and theorists from around the world on a given topic. MONU focuses on the city in a broad sense, including its politics, economy, geography, ecology, its social aspects, as well as its physical structure and architecture. Therefore architecture is one of many fields covered by the magazine – fields which are all brought together under the catch-all term “urbanism”. MONU is edited in the city of Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Continuous publication began in June 2004.

Alles wat je moet weten






